Don Nzulu Leone was a carter, a carob merchant who sold mostly to the Giuffrida distillery in Pozzallo.

Ebbe l'ambizione di comprare uno dei pochi mulini a legno dell’epoca per trasformare le carrube e ricavarne la polpa e i semi.

Thus begins the history of the company, then handed down from father to son.

A history of mills

After having worked for a long time, the wooden mill was replaced thanks to our father Giovanni, from a more efficient metallic version; thus allowing to work the carob in different types of size: fine and medium-coarse.

Why the carob

The carob tree has become central to the economy of entire families and various companies that, increasing the number of plantations, they decided to make it one of the staples of their activities

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

We inherited this company from our grandparents, we treasure the experience gained over the years, however, with a view to renewal and digitization.

For the future we have challenging but certainly achievable projects in mind